March 16, 2021
This is the first time HRC hosts an International Webinar – Title ADVANCES IN IVM – on March 20-21, 2021, with participation of leading specialists in IVM: Prof. Johan Smitz (University of Brussel, Brussel, Belgium), Prof. Rober Gilchrist (School of Women and Children Health, New South Wales University, Sydney, Australia), Prof. Ben W Mol (Monash University, Australia), Prof. Lan Vuong (University of Medical and Pharmaceutical, Viet Nam).
Currently, IVFMD is one of the IVF centers with the most IVM cycles in the world.
In vitro maturation (IVM) is a different technique from conventional IVF treatment in two main ways: no controlled ovarian hyperstimulation; and the collection of immature oocytes which are cultured in vitro until they reach the metaphase II (MII; mature) stage.
Barriers to the implementation of IVM in clinical practice include concerns about infant/neonatal health, potential insurance issues, the availability of other strategies to reduce OHSS rates, and IVM training. Therefore, our webinar – “Advances in IVM” – will not only provide basic scientific knowledge about IVM but also provide updates on various clinical and laboratory aspects of IVM today.