July 23, 2020
On July 11, 2020, HELVIETMED announced the results of the “Alexandre Yersin Outstanding Medical Publication 2019-2020” vote. The HRC’s junior research group, with the study “Pessary Compared with Vaginal Progesterone to Prevent Preterm Birth in Women with Twin Pregnancies and a Cervical Length of Less Than 38 mm: A Randomized Controlled Trial”, published in Obstetrics and Gynecology (5.524), was selected to receive the Alexandre Yersin Prize 2019-2020. This is the second consecutive time that HRC has received the award. In 2018, HRC first received the Alexandre Yersin Prize for the research published in NEJM: “IVF Transfer of Fresh or Frozen Embryos in Women without Polycystic Ovaries”.
