The 38th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) was held in Milan (Italy), from 3 to 6 July 2022. This year’s ESHRE meeting featured more than 10 thousand participants. Researchers from the HOPE Research Center gave a total of 5 presentations at ESHRE 2022: 1 invited keynote, 1 presentation and 3 poster presentations. Invited speeches: Latest developments of IVM in assisted reproduction – Tuong M Ho Exchange: Long-term development of children born from CAPA-IVM and IVF: a follow-up of a randomized trial – Lan N Vuong Presented E-Poster
- Cumulative live birth rate of oocyte in-vitro maturation with a pre-maturation step in women with polycystic ovary syndrome or high antral follicle count – Pham, A. Le, U. Ha, T. Nguyen, T. Pham, T. Ho, L. Vuong
- Polymorphisms in FSHR gene do not affect late follicular phase steroidogenic response in predicted normoresponders. Secondary analysis of a prospective multicenter cohort study. – R. Neves, C. Blockeel, S. Garcia, C. Alviggi, C. Spits, P.Q.M. Ma, T.M. Ho, H. Tournaye, N.L. Vuong, N.P. Polyzos
- Association between polymorphisms in FSHR and reproductive outcomes following IVF. Secondary analysis of a prospective cohort study in Europe and Asia – A.R. Neves, S. García, C. Blockeel, G. Arroyo, C. Spits, D. Pham, T.M. Ho, H. Tournaye, N.L. Vuong, N.P. Polyzos