April 9, 2021
- HRC started publishing its Annual Scientific Report (ASR) in early 2020.
- The first annual report was published in March 2020 (covering 2019).
2020 Annual Report:
- The 2020 Annual Report was released online in late March 2021 and in print in April 2020.
- Despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was another successful year for HRC, with 27 international publications, most of which were published in Q1 journals.
- HRC’s research has made a significant impact in the global medical community and has contributed new knowledge to the field of reproductive medicine.
Highlights of the 2020 Annual Report:
- 27 international publications, most of which were published in Q1 journals.
- Significant impact in the global medical community.
- New knowledge contributed to the field of reproductive medicine.
The 2020 HRC Annual Report highlights the organization’s continued commitment to excellence in research and its dedication to improving the lives of patients through innovative and groundbreaking work in the field of reproductive medicine.
Please find at http://hoperesearchcenter.vn/file/upload/annualreport/hrc-annual-report-final.pdf